Ask A Man 25 March
Ask A Man 24 March
Ask a Man 20 March '25: 'In love with someone I've never met.'
Anonymous says mid last year she found a lady on social media who she liked but only DM’d her earlier this in January and confessed her feelings. Anonymous says it turned out the lady also liked her and so they started dating online, as they’ve never met. Anonymous says their relationship was going well until Anonymous wasn’t in a good mood one day and took those emotions out on the lady. Anonymous says things weren’t the same since that day, and the lady eventually broke things off with her. Anonymous doesn’t know what to do as she loves this lady a lot!
Ask a Man - 19 March '25: 'My partner is too controlling.'
Anonymous says she met guy no.1 last year at her new church after moving to a new province. Anonymous says they started dating shortly after their first interaction. Anonymous says things were good between them until she went back home to visit and says when she came back to her new area she realised that his energy had changed, and upon searching on his phone, she found that he was still chatting to and spending time with other girls. Anonymous confronted him about this and he explained that he did already have thing with one of the girls while they started with their thing…
Ask A Man 18 March '25: 'My partner is in love with me but I'm not sure.'
Anonymous says she’s been with her current partner for 5 years and says he’s a great partner and takes care of her, and he’s even paid lobola for her. Anonymous says her problem is she feels a void in her relationship, and says there’s no spark and passion, it’s just boring. Anonymous says she likes him but doesn’t think he’s the one. Anonymous says one of the issues in their relationship is that they don’t have a good communication. Anonymous is not sure if she should fight for the relationship or just break up with him.
Ask a Man 17 Mar '25: 'All men cheat.'
Anonymous says she met her current husband when they were in high school, but they couldn’t really be together at the time. Anonymous says over the years they’d meet up and hook up, but never really became official. Anonymous says they went their separate ways at some point and during that time she had a baby with someone else. Anonymous says they eventually got together and they got married. Anonymous says her partner used to cheat on her a lot with different people, and says she initially brushed it off as something men do, but as time went by it became too much for her, and she separated from her husband. Anonymous says he’s been asking her to forgive him for a while now, and she’s not sure if she should get back together with him.
Ask a Man 14 March '25: 'My partner is in love with her ex.'
Anonymous says he met a lady in 2023 and their relationship was soaring until the father of her child, who wasn’t present when anonymous met the lady, came back into the picture last December. Anonymous says the lady started communicating more with the father of her child at that point. Anonymous says the lady then attend a family funeral after the the father of her child’s brother past away. This led to the lady rekindling things with the father of her child and she essentially got back together with him.
Ask a Man 13 March '25: 'I had a baby with my partner's friend.'
Anonymous says he and his girlfriend started dating in 2018 and he says he was clear from the onset that he wants to have a child, she was ok with that only if they got married first, something anonymous says he wasn’t ready for. Anonymous says years later he started having an affair with one of his partner’s friends and that went on secretly for a while. Anonymous says he brought up having a child again, and again his girlfriend said no and told him he could go outside and impregnate someone else. Anonymous says after the fight with his girlfriend, he slept with the friend without protection and she fell pregnant with his child. Anonymous says he confessed this to his partner and after meeting with her family they ended up breaking things off, but anonymous has now managed to patch things up with his girlfriend who says she’ll only get back together with him on one condition…
Ask a Man 12 March '25: 'Is he only with me because he needs my support?'
Anonymous says she’s been with her partner for 6 years, they have a child together and she came into their relationship with another child. Anonymous her partner is terrible with money and doesn’t include her in his financial decisions when he has money. Anonymous says before he lost his job and didn’t have money, he would go out partying with friends and would cheat on her, but come back crying for forgiveness. Anonymous says he’s now unemployed and broke and his behaviour has changed, he’s a better partner, shows her love and things are generally good. Anonymous is worried that once he’s back on his feet, he’ll go back to his old ways and she’s no sure if she should leave him even though things are great right now.
Ask a Man 11 March '25: 'He said we couldn't be together because of his religion'
Anonymous says she met a guy while working at a religious organisation years ago and something developed between them but before anything could happen the guy told anonymous that they couldn’t be together due to his position in the organisation. Anonymous says the guy married someone else about a year later after he told her they couldn’t be. By the time he got married, anonymous had already moved to another province because of work. Anonymous says she also got married, and after some time the guy contacted anonymous and told her that he missed her and was sorry for everything that happened. Anonymous says he told her that he was willing to divorce his wife for her but he couldn’t because of his position. Anonymous says they met up and their relationship got sexual but the guy started avoiding her after this. Anonymous says it’s been a year since he started ignoring her, but she’s struggling to get over him.
Ask A Man 10 March '25: 'Dating guys that are with other people'
Anonymous says she met a guy a month ago and they immediately hit things off. Anonymous says three days into the relationship she snooped around and found out from one her friends that the guy is dating one of her friends in their neighbourhood. Anonymous says she confronted him about this, however, they’ve continued to date as she says he won’t let her go. Anonymous says she also wants to break things off with him because he might be involved in dodgy businesses. Anonymous says she also has another guy that she dated previously, who she really likes, but he is married. Anonymous says dating is showing her flames and she doesn’t know what to do.
Ask A Man 7 March
Ask a Man 06 March '25: 'I'm addicted to my abusive partner.'
Anonymous says he’s been with his partner for about 5 years, they live together and he’s even paid lobola partially. Anonymous says his partner was pregnant at some point but unfortunately she had a stillbirth. Anonymous says things changed in their relationship from this point. Anonymous says she started drinking and partying more, and would blame anonymous for her stillbirth. Anonymous says he broke things off with her because it was too much but got back together with her months later after she asked him to forgive her. Anonymous says she continued to be messy and he has now moved out again. Anonymous says he loves her and still wants to be with her but he’s not sure if it can work between them.
Ask A Man 05 March '25: 'I need closure from my cheating partner.'
Anonymous says she met her partner in late 2023, she says they started as friends and it eventually turned into a romantic relationship. Anonymous says from the onset, they were honest with each other, had great communication and even shared about their past relationship traumas. Anonymous says things have now taken a turn in their relationship after she found suspicious texts between him and another lady on his phone. Anonymous says she confronted him about this, he said they would talk about it, but that’s never happened. Anonymous says the communication in their relationship has broken down and she doesn’t understand where they are at in their relationship. Anonymous just wants him to be open and honest with her so she can better understand what’s happening between them.
Ask A Man 04 March '25: 'I love him but I'm tired of being a side.'
Anonymous says she met a guy 4 years ago and 5 months into their relationship he told her that he was in a relationship with someone else, after initially denying this fact. Anonymous says he told that her was with the mother of his child and they live together but their relationship is not great. Anonymous says despite this fact, he’s a great partner who takes care of her and is always there for her which makes it so difficult to leave him. She says 4 years later she doesn’t even know where he lives, he’s promised her that their relationship will eventually turn into something more but she’s not tired of the situation.
Ask a Man 03 March '25: 'Was I right for leaving my roller coaster of a relationship.'
Anonymous says he his ex partner in varsity in 2019 and they started dating back then. Anonymous says post varsity, they moved in together and he was taking care of both of them financially at the time. Anonymous says their relationship was tumultuous, there was infidelity and lots of other conflicts in their relationship. Anonymous says he then got a job opportunity in another area and their relationship became long distant. This added fuel to the fire and they ended up breaking up. Anonymous suspects that she might have been cheating on him while they were still together. He’s tried to get back together with her, but it hasn’t worked out. Anonymous wonders if he did the right thing by giving up on their relationship, especially because they have a child together.
Ask a Man 28 Feb '25: 'I think my man wants to be a house husband.'
Anonymous called last year and told us that her husband can’t seem to keep a job as he finds jobs and then resigns unreasonably after a short period of working. At the time anonymous was advised to stand by her man, bring in the family and also check if there could be witchcraft involved. It’s 7 months later since she called Ask a Man and she says she’s tried all that and it doesn’t seem to be helping. Anonymous says she wants to give up now.
Ask A Man 27 Feb '25: 'How do I leave my cheating partner?'
Anonymous says she’s been with her partner for 3 years now and and she gave birth to their child late last year. Anonymous says after giving birth she found out that her partner was cheating on her. Anonymous says they patched things up after the infidelity, however, she’s struggling to move on from the cheating. Anonymous says she still loves him and wants to be with him but needs help with forgiving him and moving on from his cheating.
Ask A Man 26 Feb '25: 'My husband is great but I'm in love with someone else.'
Anonymous says she’s been married to her husband for 10 years and they’ve known each from childhood as they grew up in the same area. Anonymous says a few years ago, while her and her husband were going through a rough patch, she met someone else and says the connection with this person was strong and passionate. Anonymous says they’ve eventually worked things out with her husband and she agreed with her husband to let the other guy go and focus on them. Anonymous says she never really stopped thinking about this other guy and he has now made contact with her after about a year and a half, and their connnection is very intense. Anonymous says things are great with her husband but she feels like the other guy could be the one and wonders if she can live with never trying with this guy.
Self Care 25 Feb
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