
Society & Culture

The show is filled with a mixture of METRO FM’s signature music sounds, listener music selection and mixes with comments during the popular ‘ask a man’ feature which affords ladies the opportunity to ask men any question they want and seek advice.

Ask A Man 03 Oct '24: 'Was I wrong for snapping at him?'

Anonymous says she’s in her early twenties and in a relationship with a man in his mid-thirties. She fell in love instantly and they started dating.  Anonymous says he found conversations on his phone that indicated that he was chatting with other ladies and she snapped and confronted him about this and it caused a rift between them.  Anonymous says he is now not even taking her calls and she wonders if she overreacted and wants him back in her life.


Ask A Man 02 Oct '24: 'I'm a side, and he now won't let go of his other side'

Anonymous says when she first her current partner, he made it clear that he had someone else. Anonymous says she was ok with this as long as he doesn’t treat her like “the other woman”.  Anonymous says there was then an incident while they were dating where she caught him red handed cheating, which led to her damaging his car, but they got back together after this incident.  Anonymous says he then came to her asking for money and she refused. Following that he pressed charges against her for damaging his car and she was arrested.  Anonymous says they didn’t chat for a while after this but they ended up getting back together and she fell pregnant. She says he was initially disinterested in their child but after a while he warmed up to the child.  Anonymous says despite them being together, the other girl he cheated on her with is still in the picture.


Ask A Man 01 Oct '24: "Why do I keep going back?'

Anonymous says she’s been with the father of her child for about 15 years and says their relationship has been turbulent during this period, especially after she gave birth.  Anonymous says they’ve broken up and made up many times over the years because of multiple conflicts in their relationship, and they’ve both been with other people but keep finding themselves coming back to each other.  Anonymous says one of the bigger issues is that her family doesn’t approve of her partner and she doesn’t know how to get out of this cycle.


Ask A Man 30 Sep '24: 'My partner is financially irresponsible.'

Anonymous says he’s been with his partner for 6 years and says their relationship is generally good but he feels like his partner is financially irresponsible.  Anonymous says his partner doesn’t budget properly and has accumulated a lot of debt. He says she also seems to be an impulse buyer.  Anonymous says he’s confronted her about this and he advised her to change her behaviour however she hasn’t changed her spending habits.  Anonymous says he’s frustrated by this and feels like he’s not progressing in life because of this behaviour.


Ask A Man 27 Sep '24: 'Not sure I can help my partner as he mourns his late wife.'

Anonymous says she’s been dating her current partner for about 6 months and says from the start of the relationship, her partner told her that he had lost his wife about 3 years ago, however, he said he was ready to be in a relationship.  Anonymous says in the 6 months they’ve dated, they’ve only been with each other 6 times. Anonymous says she addressed this with him, and he revealed to her that he is  in fact still grieving his loss and was afraid to admit to her when they met.  Anonymous says when she questioned him about making time for her, he explained that he doesn’t have much time as he is a single parent and doesn’t have much time - anonymous is a single parent herself. Anonymous says she’s not sure if she should stay in this relationship.


Ask A Man 26 Sep '24: 'My partner finds me financially unattractive.'

Anonymous says he’s been with his current partner for about a year now and says when they started he was dating someone else but that relationship was complicated.  Anonymous says a couple of months into their relationship he discovered that his partner was having suspicious conversations with other people on her phone and she would never explain who the people are.  Anonymous says his partner celebrated her birthday last week, however, anonymous told his partner that he was broke and he’ll only  be able to celebrate her at the end of the month.  Anonymous says his girlfriend later told him that she was going on a get-away with her friends and told anonymous that these are the things she enjoys and that she doesn’t respect him because he doesn’t have much money for her.  Anonymous says he loves his partner and has sacrificed for her, he’s not sure how to navigate this situation.


Ask A Man 25 Sep '24: 'I'm struggling with polygamy.'

Anonymous says he has two partners and initially he dated both of them and they were not aware of this situation. Anonymous says he eventually married lady no.1 and after the marriage he confessed to the ladies that he was seeing both of them.  Anonymous says lady no.1 was initially resistant to the idea of being in a polygamous relationship but accepted it. Anonymous says he is now in a polygamous relationship and has bought homes for both his partners and has kids with both of them.  Anonymous says the issue he has now is that the partners get upset with him when he visits the other and he’s not sure how to navigate that.


Ask A Man 23 Sep '24: "Uncomfortable with ex introducing our child to his new girlfrriend.'

Anonymous says she was in a relationship for 6 years with her ex until they broke up two years ago and they have a child together.  Anonymous says they’ve been co-parenting well during that time however anonymous says a week ago, her daughter shared that she’d been spending time with her new mommy while visiting her dad. Anonymous says she was confused by this as she wasn’t told by her ex that he’s in a relationship now and that his new partner has access to their daughter.  Anonymous says she hasn’t been introduced to her ex’s new partner and feels like she’s being disrespected in this situation. Anonymous says she also has a partner but that partner hasn’t met her daughter out of respect. Anonymous says she’s not sure if she’s overreacting or whether she should speak to ex about this.


Ask A Man 20 Sep '24: 'How do I get closure from my ex who had a baby with someone else?'

Anonymous says he was dating his partner for 9 years and they have two kids. Anonymous says their relationship was toxic and they broke things off.  Anonymous says after they broke up his ex wouldn’t allow him to see his kids and he took her to court to force her to allow him and in that process he ended up requesting a paternity test and found out that the first child is not his. Anonymous says in the middle of all this she damaged his property, assaulted him and also told people that he wasn’t supporting his children. Anonymous says she’s still hostile towards him and is not remorseful.  Anonymous says he’s not sure if his ex has told the first child that he’s not his father.  Anonymous says he feels like she owes him an apology, so he can get closure and doesn’t know how to move on without one.


Ask A Man 19 Sep '24: 'She's rude to me when she gets drunk.'

Anonymous says he broke up with his previous partner in April this year and after a 3 month break he went back on Instagram ready to re enter the dating game.  Anonymous says one of the first people he saw on Instagram was his high school crush, they reconnected and started chatting in the DMs and eventually exchanged numbers, they hit off and would be on the phone with each other for hours.  Anonymous says his crush still lives in their home province and he lives somewhere else but when he returned home they met up and went out and this is when she got drunk and started behaving “unruly” & rude towards him.  Anonymous says this has happened a couple of times when they are out. Anonymous says he’s now back where he lives and is wondering if she has the character of someone he would want to be with.


Ask A Man 18 Sep '24: 'Should I wait for my ex who's still getting over her ex.'

Anonymous says he dated his now ex partner for about 6 months, a couple of months after she got out of a long term relationship in which her partner cheated on her with her best friend.  Anonymous says they went on a dinner date about two days ago and while on the date she confessed to him that she had recently seen pictures of her ex and felt something for her ex, and feels like it’s a lot for her and she doesn’t want to continue dating anonymous for now, as she feels like she needs time to find herself.  Anonymous says they broke up and he spoke to his now ex’s mom who said she agrees that her daughter needs time, but advised anonymous to be patient with her and wait as he’s been a good influence on her.  Anonymous is not sure if he should wait for her.


Ask A Man 17 Sept '24: 'My partner is not giving me attention'

Anonymous says she started dating her current partner after meeting him at her child’s school and adds that he has a good relationship with her child.  Anonymous says they went on with their relationship and she fell pregnant unintentionally as they were relying on the “pull-out” method. Anonymous says she terminated her pregnancy because she felt like they were not financially prepared at the time.  Anonymous says they met around the Covid period, and he he wasn’t working at the time and was available for her. He’s back at work now and anonymous says she feels like he’s not making time for her and has said to her that he’s just currently really hectic.  Anonymous says she has no reason to suspect that he’s cheating and just feels like their relationship is stagnant. She loves him and doesn’t know what to do.


Ask A Man 16 Sep '24: 'My partner doesn't contribute when he stays over t my place'

Anonymous says she’s been dating her current partner for the last year and says the relationship has been good for the most part.  Anonymous says her partner told her he was being evicted from his place and was cagy about the information when he needed to move, but anonymous later realised that he actually used to live with someone at that place and the lease was under that partners name, hence he needed to leave.  Anonymous says she overlooked this and they continued with their relationship, anonymous even allowed him to move in with her and her kids while he finds a place.  Anonymous says during the time he lived with her he was not contributing in the household. He has now moved out to his own place but anonymous says he visits a lot and still doesn’t contribute to the household.  Anonymous says she also caught him speaking on the phone with another lady and suspects that he might be cheating but he says that’s not the case.


Ask A Man 13 Sep '24: 'Is my partner taking our relationship seriously?'

Anonymous says he’s been dating his partner for 9 months and says they keep getting into conflicts and he doesn’t understand why this keeps happening.  Anonymous says his partner is slightly older than him in her thirties and he’s in his twenties, anonymous adds that she has a child. Anonymous says one of the things is that he’s an indoors kind of person and she likes to go out, which has created tension between them.  Anonymous says he once caught her cheating on him and she lied about it. Anonymous says he’s not sure if she’s present in the relationship and wants to be in it or not. 


Ask A Man 12 Sep '24: 'Can he love me despite all the things he's done to me?'

Anonymous says she’s been with her partner for 5 years now and they have a child together. Anonymous says the relationship was great however she realised about two years ago that he had been cheating on her throughout their relationship. Anonymous says she confronted him about this, he apologised and they moved on with their relationship.  Anonymous says she then found out that he was cheating again, and they separated but later got back together.  Anonymous says fast forward to this year, she met a new guy and says he treats her well and they’ve built something. Anonymous says her partner found out that she has someone new and she told her partner that she wants to break up with him because she doesn’t trust him anymore.  Anonymous says she wants to leave her partner but he doesn’t want to break up with her and says he’s stopped cheating. Anonymous is not sure if he really does love her after all he’s done to her.


Ask A Man 11 Sept '24: 'Am I demanding for too much?'

Anonymous says her relationship with guy no.1 lasted about 6 months. Anonymous says she has a son and because of this she gave the guy ground rules to say they’d be spending time outside and he could never sleep over. Anonymous says these limitations seem to have caused tension in their relationship and they eventually broke things off.  Anonymous says her most recent relationship, guy no.2, is someone she dated 10 years ago and they got back together. Anonymous says she feels like the guy doesn’t give her much attention, especially when they are spending time together, and when she brings this up, he doesn’t respond positively to her.  Anonymous says she is not sure if maybe she is the problem in these relationships.


Ask A Man 10 Sep '24: 'I love her but her mother is the problem.'

Anonymous says he’s dating his current girlfriend for a second time, after initially dating for a year and breaking up.  Anonymous says they’ve now been dating for several years and their relationship is fine however the problem is his girlfriend’s mother.  He says recently his girlfriend and her mother asked him to come pick them up and while he was driving with them in the car, they overheard him talking to a friend about colleagues that are taking advantage of him, but misunderstood and thought that he was talking about them. That created a rift, with the mother saying they don’t need him and suggesting that they are not his charity case. Anonymous says the mother told him not to contact them and now anonymous and his girlfriend are not on speaking terms.  Anonymous says when they got back together he was told that his girlfriend has someone and he’s just friend.


Ask a Man 09 Sep '24: 'Is it ok to be ok with being a side chick.'

Anonymous says she’s in her mid thirties and has three kids from three different men. Anonymous says the first child was as a result of being young. She was in love with the second guy but he didn’t love her, and then with the third guy she didn’t love him but fell pregnant by accident with his child and she tried to develop something with him but it didn’t work. Anonymous says she’s now in the talking stage with a fourth guy, who’s dating someone else, and says he’s in love with her and she likes him too but she doesn’t want anything too deep with him, and has explained to him that she’s ok being a sidekick.  Anonymous wonders if she’s selling herself short with this request.


Ask A Man 06 Sept '24: 'My partner of 4 months is a social media stalker.'

Anonymous says he’s been dating a lady for the last four months and things have been good, however, he says she’s constantly stalking his social media pages.  Anonymous says he’s an entrepreneur and posts to promote his business and she’s always asking him about people commenting on his pages.  Anonymous says it’s too much for him and doesn’t know if he should move forward with her.


Ask A Man 05 Sep '24: 'I tried monogamy and it's not for me.'

Anonymous says she’s been with her partner for 2 years and says when they met each other she told the guy at the time that she’s not really into monogamy and wasn’t looking for anything serious. He told her that he’s not into that and wants something serious.  Despite their differences they continued with their relationship and anonymous says she fell for him and she enjoyed the relationship. However, anonymous says she’s enjoying the relationship a lot but still feels like she doesn’t want to be monogamous.  Anonymous doesn’t know how to move forward. 


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