#Life, Love And All

Society & Culture 2022

The show, ‘Life, Love and All’ will cover different daily themes such as leadership, family relationships, spirituality, navigating the generational gap, new age parenting, consumer rights, sexual education and many more.  Who are you? What makes you tick? What are your struggles? What’s important to you? Family? Love? Money? Your health? Mapaseka Mokwele explores the intricate aspects of Life Love and All. Every Monday to Thursday, from 7 to 9pm, on Radio 2000

#RelationshipTuesday Apparent Signs Your Relationship Is Beyond Repair

RELATIONSHIP TUESDAY Guest SIYA ZENANI He claimed to be a neurosurgeon with a doctorate in business administration and two Comrades Marathon medals under his belt. He was a City of Johannesburg employee who hastily quit following allegations that he scored his job as a quality assurance officer with fraudulent tertiary qualifications…Tonight we speak to the woman who was his partner and the lessons learnt from this relationship. GUEST: SIYA ZENANI (SIYANDISWA) - Specialist in ICT, Speaker, Life Coach and and Author REACH SIYA ON… BEYOND BROKEN with SIYA ZENANI on Facebook WWW.BEYONDBROKEN.CO.ZA 068 469 1580


#MondayMenday How and When to Introduce Your New Partner to Your Kids

MONDAY MENDAY Guest MBULELO MAYIKAN How and When to Introduce Your New Partner to Your Kids GUEST: MBULELO MAYIKANA - Founder of Contemporary Conversations and Author of Choice and Decision making WWW.MBULELO.CO.ZA


#OpenLineMonday Dealing with Uncertainty and Emergent Change

OPENLINE MONDAY Guest HLENGIWE ZWANE Dealing with Uncertainty and Emergent Change GUEST: HLENGIWE ZWANE - Clinical Psychologist On Hlengiwe’s mind: “Feeling Overwhelmed with too much going on”


#TheHotSeat with Vusi Nova (South African Singer)

THE HOT SEAT Guest VUSI NOVA Award Winning Singer-Songwriter VUSI NOVA


#AfricanSpirituality The Role of the Husband in the Marriage

AFRICAN SPIRITUALITY Guest KHEHLA MANJORO What is the Role of a Husband and Wife according to the ancestors? GUEST: KHEHLA MANJORO - Healer How To Reach Khehla Manjoro; Call on : 073 680 4444


#LifeInBalance Long-Term Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect

LIFE IN BALANCE Guest DR. NELISIWE SIBISI & MBULELO MAYIKANA We received a call from one of our listeners who wanted to remain anonymous in reporting a mother who is allegedly abusive to her teenag son. The mother is said to be a single mother and hitting the teenager on a regular basis, she is said to shout and scream at him to tears. The anonymous caller asked for any form of intervention and wonders what the role of society is when we witness abuse. GUEST: DR. NELISIWE SIBISI - ZIMU – Mental Health Practitioner And Life Coach/ 083 270 7188 @DRNELLI on instagram GUEST: MBULELO MAYIKANA - Author of “Choices and Decision Making”; Founder of Contemporary Conversations 076 468 2443 WWW.MBULELO.CO.ZA


#TheLetter Dear Mapaseka, How Do I Handle a Situation Like This...

THE LETTER Guest MBULELO MAYIKANA & REITUMETSE MTHEMBU Dear Aus Pasi, I never thought I’d be in a situation like this, and I honestly don’t know how to handle it. My family and I moved into a new neighborhood, and everything was fine—until I realized that my neighbor’s husband happens to be my high school ex. I haven’t seen or spoken to him since school, and we had absolutely no contact over the years. Somehow, he told his wife about our past, and ever since then, she has been nothing but nasty to me. At first, I tried to ignore it, but now she’s also being cold and rude to my husband and even our children. What’s worse, she seems to be turning other neighbors against me. I have no interest in her husband, I didn’t ask for this, and I certainly don’t deserve to be treated this way. I’ve spoken to my husband about it, but I still feel stuck. We just want to live in peace, but it’s hard when someone is actively making life uncomfortable for us. Should I confront her? Ignore her? Try to smooth things over? I don’t want this unnecessary tension, but I also don’t want to feel like a prisoner in my own neighborhood. How do I handle a situation like this? Sincerely, Sizakele GUEST: MBULELO MAYIKANA - Author of “Choices and Decision Making”; Founder of Contemporary Conversations 076 468 2443 WWW.MBULELO.CO.ZA GUEST: REITUMETSE MTHEMBU : REITUMETSI MTHEMBU – Registered Counselor COUNSELLING WITH REITUMETSI: Whattsapp Call 064 388 7324 / INFO@REITUMETSEWELLNESS.CO.ZA


#MindBodyAndSoul Common Digestive Disorders (Symptoms and Treatments)

MIND BODY AND SOUL Guest DR. SIVIWE MILA Last Week we spoke to Boitumelo Ramasodi as she shared her journey as a survivor of Colon Cancer after being diagnosed at 45. We look at common digestive issues we need to be alert of. GUEST: DR. SIVIWE MILA - Medical Practitioner @DRSIVIWE instagram


#RelationshipTuesday Isithembu (Polygamy) in South Africa

RELATIONSHIP TUESDAY Guest MOGAILE MOGASHOA The Terms and Conditions of IsiThembu. Is the practice for everyone? GUEST: MOGAILE MOGASHOA - Founder DarkiePedia (Educating Self on Identity) -Instudio @DARKIEPEDIA on Social Media


#MondayMenday Is It Right For Your Partner To Accept Things From An Ex?

MONDAY MENDAY Guest BONGANI LUVALO ARE YOU GOOD with your partner or wife to continue to receive gifts from their ex? GUEST: BONGANI LUVALO - Author “A Father, A Stranger: Mzantsi’s Memoirs of Fatherhood” and Founder of the Cool Dad’s Foundation WWW.COOLDADSFOUNDATION.CO.ZA @Bongani_Luvalo on Instagram


#LegalMonday Top Stories (Latest News in South Africa)

LEGAL MONDAYS Guest SINENHLANHLA MNGUNI Top Stories (Latest News in South Africa) GUEST: SINENHLANHLA MNGUNI - Director at Mnguni Attorneys  SN MNGUNI ATTORNEYS INC/ 010 449 9705 info@mnguniinc.co.za


#TheHotSeat with Guest Ishmael (Singer)

THE HOT SEAT Guest ISHMAEL Prophets of the City; Skeem, Jozi are some of the groups his vocals have shone in. His solo hits & Roba Letheka" and "Avulekile Masango” still going strong. He will be live at our GUEST: ISHMAEL - Singer-Songwriter


#AfricanSpirituality Ways to Raise Your Vibration PERMANENTLY



#TheLetter Dear Mapaseka, My Brother Can't Find a Job and I Don't Know How to Help

THE LETTER Guest  Dear Mapaseka I am a 33 year old mother of an 8 year old son and 6 year old daughter and raising them with my husband. My 26 year old brother has recently moved in with us as he is looking for work and had been struggling to land one in our home province. I'm raising my family in the North West with my husband and my brother is finding it difficult to find the exact corporate job he is hoping for post graduation; he is picky and not willing to take any work in the meantime. My husband has been telling him to even look for any work from being a driver to call centre or reception. He is not interested and says he did not graduate with honours in law to be doing menial jobs. He sits at home all day and emails his cv and he helps around the house when he is asked. I used to ask him to pick up the kids from school but stopped as I see he now drinks alcohol in his room and I can’t trust he is driving sober. He accused my husband of cheating saying he saw him with a woman in his car. My husband denied this saying it was a colleague. Now my husband wants him out of our house and my mother back at home insists that I have to help my brother and I cannot choose my husband over family. I am so conflicted and no longer have peace in my home; yet it's difficult to send him back to rural Mpumlanga to look for work. I left my family to be far from everyone so I don’t have to be part of these issues now they have followed me. What can I do Mapaseka? SINDI GUEST: BRIAN MHLANGA – Life and Leadership Coach / 082 880 0007 GUEST: REITUMETSE MTHEMBU : REITUMETSI MTHEMBU – Registered Counselor COUNSELLING WITH REITUMETSI: Whattsapp Call 064 388 7324 / INFO@REITUMETSEWELLNESS.CO.ZA


#LifeInBalance Run Alex Athletics Profile

LIFE IN BALANCE Guest SIPHIWE NKOSI & MANDISA SEMANE RUN ALEX In the heart of Alexandra township, a movement is reshaping lifestyles Run Alex is championing community development, GUEST: SIPHIWE NKOSI - Run Alex Juniors Director GUEST: MANDISA SEMANE - Run Alex Secretary General 


#LifeInBalance Unemployment in South Africa (A Youth Perspective)

LIFE IN BALANCE Guest KGAUGELO MOKHOLWANE According to Stats SA; The percentage of young people actively looking for work but unable to find it – climbed from 36,8% in 2014 to 45,5% in 2024. This increase in youth unemployment was seen in most provinces, highlighting a broader trend, except for the Western Cape where the rate decreased. What are the practical solutions? SABC 1 and SABC Eduction have put their hand up to be part of the role players making a difference. The TV Show “The Chair” airs Wednesdays @ 4h30pm GUEST: KGAUGELO MOKHOLWANE - Presenter on SABC 1&s The Chair


#LifeInBalance Colon Cancer - Symptoms, Stages & Treatment

MIND, BODY AN SOUL Guest BOITUMELO RAMASODI Diagnosed with Stage 3B Colon Cancer in 2020 at 45 years old; Tonight she shares her journey and the symptoms that led her to surgery. March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month GUEST: BOITUMELO RAMASODI - Colon Cancer Survivor & Advocate; She is the Regional Director - Southern Africa Global Colon Cancer Association (Instudio) WWW.GLOBALCCA.ORG 0627377168


#RelationshipTuesday Opposites Attract, But Can They Stay Together

RELATIONSHIP TUESDAY Guest MANTSHA PHEEHA & PASTOR HLOHLO MOROENG OPPOSITES ATTRACT But can they stay together? GUEST: MANTSHA PHEEHA - Author of “How to realise your Personal Vision”, Leadership Coach, Strategist and Lead Pastor. 082 755 8219 GUEST: PASTOR HLOHLO MOROENG - Lead Pastor of CJC together with his wife, Pastor Mantsha Pheeha. Pastor Hlohlo has been preaching for the past 30 years and pastoring over 21 years. WWW.CJC.CO.ZA (Church of Jesus Christ)


#OpenLineMonday How Conflict Impacts Our Environment

OPENLINE MONDAYS Guest HLENGIWE ZWANE On Hlengiwe’s mind: Have we normalised the day to day violence taking place in our environment, in our homes, schools, malls, restaurants, our workspace, in public and everywhere we occupy. GUEST: HLENGIWE ZWANE - Clinical Psychologist


#MondayMenday Your Father-In-Law's Role In Your Life

MONDAY MENDAY Guest BONGANI LUVALO HOW IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR FATHER IN LAW; as a son in-law and how does if affect your marriage? GUEST: BONGANI LUVALO - Author “A Father, A Stranger: Mzantsi’s Memoirs of Fatherhood” and Founder of the Cool Dad’s Foundation WWW.COOLDADSFOUNDATION.CO.ZA @Bongani_Luvalo on Instagram


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