Episode 20

Aired, Friday 06 September: Imani arrives with a new hairstyle to catch Ndemedzo’s eye and invites him to Sakhile’s graduation party as her plus one, while flirting with him.

Episode 19

Aired, Thursday 05 September: Avhatakali is taken aback when Dr. Ximba packs his bags and orders him to move to the guest bedroom.

Episode 18

Aired, Wednesday 04 September: Dr Ximba reassures her concerned son that their domestic issues will not overshadow his graduation celebration.

Episode 17

Aired, Tuesday 03 September: Dr Ximba and Avhatakali return home to a turbulent environment, with their son, Sakhile, expressing deep hatred for his father.

Episode 16

Aired, Monday 02 September: Dr Ximba is questioned by the police about her knowledge of her husband’s affair with Susan, but she denies knowing about it, making her a challenging suspect.

Episode 15

Aired, Friday 30 August: Teboho gives James the cold shoulder, strategically friend-zoning him to make him pursue her more aggressively. Imani compliments Ndemedzo on his appearance in a casual, friendly manner, which he does not initially take seriously.

Episode 14

Aired, Thursday 29 August: Avhatakali vehemently refuses to accept Dr Ximba’s divorce papers, insisting there will be no divorce in the Ramabulana home. An emotional Vhutshilo reveals the sex tape of his mother to his father and expresses his distress about the police station incident.

Episode 13

Aired, Wednesday 28 August: Dr Ximba finishes the first operation on Susan and coldly informs a worried Avhatakali that his “mistress will live.” Vhutshilo receives an explicit video of his mother and Avhatakali from an anonymous number, leaving him gutted.

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