Episode 125

Aired, Friday 31 January: Khensani encourages Bubbles to seek an interpretation for her recurring dreams, and Bubbles considers following through.

Episode 124

Aired, Thursday 30 January: The family faces a difficult decision about whether to send Shaz to a psychiatric facility, but Sakhile asks the housemates to protect her without exposing her condition.

Episode 123

Aired, Wednesday 29 January: The girls arrive at the party to find the couch missing. Muvhango explains that the DJ took the couch because he wants the rest of his payment.

Episode 122

Aired, Tuesday 28 January: Rendani heads to Venda to assist Susan in figuring out how to help Shaz who wakes up convinced that the previous day's events were just a nightmare.e commune.

Episode 121

Aired, Monday 27 January: James tries to initiate intimacy with Teboho, but she is distracted by thoughts of her encounter with Khalema.

Episode 120

Aired, Friday 24 January: Teboho vents to James about her lack of progress in locating the missing gun. While James advises her to abandon her feud with the Mukwevhos, he privately suggests that the gun’s disappearance might work in their favour.

Episode 119

Aired, Thursday 23 January: Shaz, still processing her pregnancy, visits the commune to collect her belongings but is confronted by Elelwani. Later, she shares her uncertainty about how far along she is with Susan, who suggests an ultrasound.

Episode 118

Aired, Wednesday 22 January: Muvhango persuades Vhutshilo to let him use Waterside for his date with Tshino, agreeing to clean up afterward.

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