Dynamite Diepkloof Dudes follows the thrilling and comedic adventures of six young friends who use their quick wits and resourcefulness to solve crimes in the heart of Soweto. Armed with nothing but their bicycles, the group roams the streets of Diepkloof, uncovering mysteries and bringing justice to their vibrant community.
Episode 01
A teenage drama show revolving around six bike-swerving boys in Soweto, who love solving crimes on their community.
Episode 02
A teenage drama show revolving around six bike-swerving boys in Soweto, who love solving crimes on their community.
Episode 03
A teenage drama show revolving around six bike-swerving boys in Soweto, who love solving crimes on their community.
Episode 04
A teenage drama show revolving around six bike-swerving boys in Soweto, who love solving crimes on their community.
Episode 05
A teenage drama show revolving around six bike-swerving boys in Soweto, who love solving crimes on their community.
Episode 06
A teenage drama show revolving around six bike-swerving boys in Soweto, who love solving crimes on their community.
Episode 07
A teenage drama show revolving around six bike-swerving boys in Soweto, who love solving crimes on their community.
Episode 08
A teenage drama show revolving around six bike-swerving boys in Soweto, who love solving crimes on their community.