The class was handed homework. It's now time to stand up and present their assignments, some do well and other have not done anything. Here we drive the message home that people must work hard to get ahead and others just have excuses. We also share information as to the Actuarial profession.

BK and Kagiso are sent to detention for not doing their homework. BK and Kagiso express what many youth think that things come easy and that they will receive handouts. The Magic Board gives them insight into the fact that often people do not see the hard work that is put in to achieve something but rather only see the rewards. This gives Kagiso a new appreciation for how hard his father has worked to give him the opportunities he has and the need for him to work harder.

BK and Kagiso learn about insurance the hard way. In this episode, key elements of insurance are shared in a funny way showing why Thabani and Jerry as so interested in working in the insurance industry. This episode not only highlights the importance of insurance but also reminds the viewer about the insurance industry as a sector to consider when starting their careers.
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