- Season 01
- Season 02

Khayakazi, a qualified nurse and social media fundi, is looking for that special someone to mend and care for her heart. Which of our six enthusiastic matches can raise this health practitioner’s heart rate, and which match will raise her blood pressure? If the saying, “laughter is the best medicine” is anything to go by, Khayakazi has options!

This week, Too Hot To Be Single serves 10s across the board, starting with our hot single, sexy Joburg-based gym instructor and brand coach, Snez. But he is not the only one packing the heat. Six snatched, sassy, and stylish ladies are ready to strut their stuff in the name of love. Snez has run the singles circuit and is looking for a serious candidate to commit to.

Our hot single tonight is the beautifully multi-faceted Sonia, who usually refers to herself as M’sawu’frican princess because of her diverse heritage, a combination from Mozambique, Swaziland, and South Africa. Sonia has hopes that our host, Lawrence Maleka, alongside the Love Squad, will help locate the man of her dreams.
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