The sitcom follows the antics of five adult males who move to a Johannesburg hostel compound to earn a living. They live in Room 8 - the most controversial and popular room of the hostel - and always find themselves on the wrong side of the hostel's authorities
Episode 02
The sitcom follows the antics of five adult males who move to a Johannesburg hostel compound to earn a living. They live in Room 8 - the most controversial and popular room of the hostel - and always find themselves on the wrong side of the hostel's authorities
Episode 03
The sitcom follows the antics of five adult males who move to a Johannesburg hostel compound to earn a living. They live in Room 8 - the most controversial and popular room of the hostel - and always find themselves on the wrong side of the hostel's authorities
Episode 04
The sitcom follows the antics of five adult males who move to a Johannesburg hostel compound to earn a living. They live in Room 8 - the most controversial and popular room of the hostel - and always find themselves on the wrong side of the hostel's authorities
Episode 05
The sitcom follows the antics of five adult males who move to a Johannesburg hostel compound to earn a living. They live in Room 8 - the most controversial and popular room of the hostel - and always find themselves on the wrong side of the hostel's authorities
Episode 06
The sitcom follows the antics of five adult males who move to a Johannesburg hostel compound to earn a living. They live in Room 8 - the most controversial and popular room of the hostel - and always find themselves on the wrong side of the hostel's authorities.
Episode 07
The sitcom follows the antics of five adult males who move to a Johannesburg hostel compound to earn a living. They live in Room 8 - the most controversial and popular room of the hostel - and always find themselves on the wrong side of the hostel's authorities.
Episode 08
The sitcom follows the antics of five adult males who move to a Johannesburg hostel compound to earn a living. They live in Room 8 - the most controversial and popular room of the hostel - and always find themselves on the wrong side of the hostel's authorities.
Episode 09
The sitcom follows the antics of five adult males who move to a Johannesburg hostel compound to earn a living. They live in Room 8 - the most controversial and popular room of the hostel - and always find themselves on the wrong side of the hostel's authorities
Episode 10
The sitcom follows the antics of five adult males who move to a Johannesburg hostel compound to earn a living. They live in Room 8 - the most controversial and popular room of the hostel - and always find themselves on the wrong side of the hostel's authorities.
Episode 11
The sitcom follows the antics of five adult males who move to a Johannesburg hostel compound to earn a living. They live in Room 8 - the most controversial and popular room of the hostel - and always find themselves on the wrong side of the hostel's authorities.
Episode 12
The sitcom follows the antics of five adult males who move to a Johannesburg hostel compound to earn a living. They live in Room 8 - the most controversial and popular room of the hostel - and always find themselves on the wrong side of the hostel's authorities
Episode 13
The sitcom follows the antics of five adult males who move to a Johannesburg hostel compound to earn a living. They live in Room 8 - the most controversial and popular room of the hostel - and always find themselves on the wrong side of the hostel's authorities.