- Season 1

On tonight's elections debate, political parties debate about the high rate of crime in the country. The debate was held at Langa Community hall in the Western Cape. ANC was represented by Bheki Cele, PA by Cheslyn Steenberg, DA by Ian Cameron, EFF by Nazier Paulsen, Good Party was represented by Brett Herron and Al Jama-ah by Advocate Shameemah Salie.

This week SABC Elections 360 debates energy and electricity issues affecting South Africans. We are live from the Kagisanong Community Centre, Rocklands, Free State. On the panel are representatives from the ANC, DA, EFF, COPE, ACM and ACT. Tonight's Elections360 debate is centred on South Africa's energy sector and who will keep the lights on after elections?

This week SABC Elections 360 debates the state of Unemployment, poverty and mining beneficiation, live from Oukasie Hall in Brits. On the panel are representatives from the ANC, F4SD, DA, EFF, VF and the PAC parties. Political parties debate from North West on nationalisation of mines.
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