Episode 186

Aired, Monday 17 March: Tbose begins to notice Mapitsi’s unusual behavior, while Thomas becomes increasingly open about his feelings.

Episode 185

Aired, Friday 14 March: Felix Gopane returns to Turf, determined to uncover the truth. Mapitsi and DJ Thomas put out one fire, only to spark a new one.

Episode 184

Aired, Thursday 13 March: Mr Kgomo begs for some love back from his ex-wife, while Kamo’s plans are disrupted. Leeto puts Kwaito in his place.

Episode 183

Aired, Wednesday 12 March: Mapitsi is thrilled after finding the perfect place for her rendezvous. The new face of Khwezi Beauty worries about her past resurfacing and overshadowing her newfound fame.

Episode 182

Aired, Tuesday 11 March: Mapitsi devices a plan to silence her nemesis and safeguard her secret. Khwezi discovers that her new model is more dangerous than she thought.

Episode 181

Aired, Monday 10 March: Mapitsi is confronted with damning evidence that could destroy her entire life. Khwezikazi realises she may have placed her trust in the wrong person with Melita.

Episode 180

Aired, Friday 07 March: Mapitsi’s nemesis threatens to expose her dark secret, sending her into a panic. Evelyn boldly admits to Alfred her ambitions to be principal.

Episode 179

Aired, Thursday 06 March: Mapitsi is tormented by an old nemesis. Melita’s star continues to rise, causing household duties to be put on hold.

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