Join the hilarious adventures of the Van Tonder family in the sitcom set in Orkney. Watch as they navigate their daily lives, encountering all sorts of amusing situations and comical mishaps along the way. (Additional Seasons Added Monthly)
Episode 01
Hendrik really stopped smoking this time after he saw Bossie Botha's lungs; even if it wasn't the cause of Bossie's death.
Episode 02
Yollie goes into labour, but Ouboet is not around. He is busy buying wing nuts for their baby's cot.
Episode 03
Maggie complains that Hendrik doesn't take her out anymore and he mentions options, but Maggie isn't interested until they are invited to the mine manager's ball.
Episode 04
Hess and Wimpie talk about Annetjie at school who might be pregnant and Maggie thinks she might be pregnant too.
Episode 05
Hendrik helps Rusty in the rain and explains to Maggie that he was only helping even though it looks very suspicious because she is in Hendrik's night gown.
Episode 06
Fortunately, Hendrik makes his smelly pap in the garage. He prepares for a fishing competition, but is unfairly disqualified.
Episode 07
Maggie fusses with Hendrik because he doesn't spend enough quality time with his family.
Episode 08
Hendrik's father accidentally signed that people may take back furniture to pay off debts.