The sitcom which chronicles the misadventures of an unemployed man who is taken in by a family as a lodger and who, despite numerous money-making schemes, somehow never manages to pay his rent, getting by on his ability to charm the ladies.
Episode 02
The sitcom which chronicles the misadventures of an unemployed man who is taken in by a family as a lodger and who, despite numerous money-making schemes, somehow never manages to pay his rent, getting by on his ability to charm the ladies.
Episode 03
The sitcom which chronicles the misadventures of an unemployed man who is taken in by a family as a lodger and who, despite numerous money-making schemes, somehow never manages to pay his rent, getting by on his ability to charm the ladies.
Episode 04
The sitcom which chronicles the misadventures of an unemployed man who is taken in by a family as a lodger and who, despite numerous money-making schemes, somehow never manages to pay his rent, getting by on his ability to charm the ladies.
Episode 05
The sitcom which chronicles the misadventures of an unemployed man who is taken in by a family as a lodger and who, despite numerous money-making schemes, somehow never manages to pay his rent, getting by on his ability to charm the ladies.
Episode 06
The sitcom which chronicles the misadventures of an unemployed man who is taken in by a family as a lodger and who, despite numerous money-making schemes, somehow never manages to pay his rent, getting by on his ability to charm the ladies.
Episode 07
The sitcom which chronicles the misadventures of an unemployed man who is taken in by a family as a lodger and who, despite numerous money-making schemes, somehow never manages to pay his rent, getting by on his ability to charm the ladies.
Episode 08
The sitcom which chronicles the misadventures of an unemployed man who is taken in by a family as a lodger and who, despite numerous money-making schemes, somehow never manages to pay his rent, getting by on his ability to charm the ladies.
Episode 09
The sitcom which chronicles the misadventures of an unemployed man who is taken in by a family as a lodger and who, despite numerous money-making schemes, somehow never manages to pay his rent, getting by on his ability to charm the ladies.
Episode 10
The sitcom which chronicles the misadventures of an unemployed man who is taken in by a family as a lodger and who, despite numerous money-making schemes, somehow never manages to pay his rent, getting by on his ability to charm the ladies.
Episode 11
The sitcom which chronicles the misadventures of an unemployed man who is taken in by a family as a lodger and who, despite numerous money-making schemes, somehow never manages to pay his rent, getting by on his ability to charm the ladies.
Episode 12
The sitcom which chronicles the misadventures of an unemployed man who is taken in by a family as a lodger and who, despite numerous money-making schemes, somehow never manages to pay his rent, getting by on his ability to charm the ladies.
Episode 13
The sitcom which chronicles the misadventures of an unemployed man who is taken in by a family as a lodger and who, despite numerous money-making schemes, somehow never manages to pay his rent, getting by on his ability to charm the ladies.