Season 1
Economic transformation three decades later

Why does South Africa's economy remain largely untransformed, 30 years after democracy?

SA women trailblazers

Has South Africa offered women enough opportunities to thrive in the past 30 years?

Gender transformation in the workplace

Gender transformation in South Africa's public and private workplaces has been the state's policy position from the onset of democracy. But how meaningful has it been in the past 30 years, especially in senior and strategic positions?

Scourge of GBV 30 years after democracy

A war on women's bodies and a pandemic. That's how gender activists describe gender-based violence in South Africa. Over the past three decades, the country has seen the indiscriminate maiming and violation of women, with many losing their lives.

Does the National Gender Machinery still work, 30 years after democracy?

As we kick-start our Women's Month focus, the struggle to create a non-sexist democratic South Africa found expression at the CODESA negotiations, resulting in the constitutional recognition of women's rights, and later the creation of the National Gender Machinery to ensure gender mainstreaming across all areas of society.

How Secure is SA 30 Years After Democracy?

National security is the protection of the country's sovereignty, its citizens, borders and economy. During apartheid the state's interest was to protect the minority at the expense of all its citizens, but the post-apartheid government sought to transform its approach to embrace the new democratic culture. However, while South Africa is generally a peaceful and stable country, over the years the state intelligence agency has not been immune to political developments that compromised its effectivenes.

Chapter 9 Institutions: Guardians of democracy?

Have Chapter 9 institutions successfully guarded South Africa's democracy in the past 30 years?

Opportunities for young artists

Why is South Africa such a violent country?

SA governance challenges

Why has youth discrimination persisted 30 years into democracy?

The mission of youth in democratic South Africa

SA's basic education 30 years later

Youth unemployment crisis

Why is SA the most unequal society in the world?

Aspirations realised or a dream deferred?

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