- Season 01

Detective Bonnie Badenhorst from Organised Crime contacts Bush Louw to remove and store a cabinet full of confidential files from GM’s office. Jolene Maas starts a job at GM but is a suspicious character right from the start. Jack van Tonder receives anonymous calls late at night although his telephone number changes frequently.

Bush regains his memory the next morning without a trace of Bonnie besides blood in the bed where she was sleeping. He sends the files with his partner Steffi Gouws to a friend, Basil Kennedy. Yster Swart and his henchman Smith and Vermeulen arrive and question Bush and have him arrested for the murder of Bonnie. They take him to a remote cottage somewhere. Vermeulen follows Steffi, arrest her and also takes her to the cottage.

Bush and Steffi escape and go to her parents to warn them about what is going on. They find Basil Kennedy dead at his home and hear someone run away outside in the garden. Shocked they flee to a house in Westedene that Steffi never knew off which Bush calls a safe house. Yster and his men finds Bush’s pistol in Kennedy’s garden- the murder weapon.

Steffi finds out more about her partner. Yester questions Miss Gouws and search Steffi’s kombi. Finds nothing besides R5000-00 that he keeps as evidence. Bush goes to buy groceries and sees their photo on the front page of the newspaper. Jack and Hooky finds out Bonnie was a member of the ANC. Jack is upset because Yster does not recognise him in the case and takes it up with the director.

A meeting between GM, Murder and Robbery and Forensics is arranged to disclose all evidence however Yster does not show up. Jack is not very happy and wants to open up an investigation against Jack. Steffi lands in Powel and Yster’s hands, but Bush comes to her rescue. They take Yster to a deserted place and Bush gives him a good punch. Hooky gives confidential information to Jolene.

Jack receives a anonymous package in the post which causes problems in his marriage. Yster sends Jack a letter bomb . They leave the safe house and book in at a motel. Steffi discovers more things about Bush which she never knew. Yster is upset after finding a note from Bush in Dawie’s lunch box. Jolene complains to Jack that she is kept in the dark.

Jack goes to the cottage where Bush and Steffi where held captive but finds it empty. Jack and Hooky become suspicious about Jolene. Steffi is almost arrested on her way to her lawyer. Bush try to find out where Kennedy might have hidden the files. Paddy is arrested for obstructing the law. Jack is instructed to stop the investigation against Yster. Bush surprises Jack and Hooky with a visit.

Bush and Steffi move to a ronddawel in the bush. Steffi is very suspicious about all the safe house she never knew about. Problems between Jack and Diane are not solved and she spills all the beans on him. Jack and Hooky receives important information about Jolene. Bush suspects that the files might be in Kennedy’s Gym locker. After a meeting with Hooky Jolene is very concerned and set s up a meeting with the General.
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