Dube on Monday is a satirical sketch comedy television series devised by comedian Desmond Dube, in which he and a number of comic actors perform a wide variety of satirical sketches, interspersed with musical numbers by guest artists.
Episode 01
Dube on Monday is a satirical sketch comedy television series devised by comedian Desmond Dube, in which he and a number of comic actors perform a wide variety of satirical sketches, interspersed with musical numbers by guest artists.
Episode 02
Dube on Monday is a satirical sketch comedy television series devised by comedian Desmond Dube, in which he and a number of comic actors perform a wide variety of satirical sketches, interspersed with musical numbers by guest artists.
Episode 03
Dube on Monday is a satirical sketch comedy television series devised by comedian Desmond Dube, in which he and a number of comic actors perform a wide variety of satirical sketches, interspersed with musical numbers by guest artists.
Episode 04
Dube on Monday is a satirical sketch comedy television series devised by comedian Desmond Dube, in which he and a number of comic actors perform a wide variety of satirical sketches, interspersed with musical numbers by guest artists.
Episode 05
Dube on Monday is a satirical sketch comedy television series devised by comedian Desmond Dube, in which he and a number of comic actors perform a wide variety of satirical sketches, interspersed with musical numbers by guest artists.
Episode 06
Dube on Monday is a satirical sketch comedy television series devised by comedian Desmond Dube, in which he and a number of comic actors perform a wide variety of satirical sketches, interspersed with musical numbers by guest artists.
Episode 07
Dube on Monday is a satirical sketch comedy television series devised by comedian Desmond Dube, in which he and a number of comic actors perform a wide variety of satirical sketches, interspersed with musical numbers by guest artists.
Episode 08
Dube on Monday is a satirical sketch comedy television series devised by comedian Desmond Dube, in which he and a number of comic actors perform a wide variety of satirical sketches, interspersed with musical numbers by guest artists.